IUOE Local 150
IUOE Local 150
MOE Benefit Funds
MOE Benefit Funds
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Employer’s Hub
Employer’s Hub

BCBS of Illinois is the PPO network for all Marketplace Plans (except the OHC Plan) and all Non-Marketplace Plans.

BCBS.com makes finding an in-network provider easy. Visit their website to find one today.

Medical providers, contact BCBS at (800) 810- BLUE or visit the BCBS website tile above.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I locate a provider in-network with BCBS of Illinois?

If you have coverage under any of the PPO Plans or the EPO health plan option, these health plan options all use the BCBS PPO network of providers and facilities. To locate a provider:

  1. You can click on the tile above to access the BCBS website or enter www.bcbs.com in your browser
  2. Hover over Find a Doctor tab as shown on the top ribbon and a pop-up will appear
  3. After selecting United States, you are prompted click on Choose a location and plan
    • Enter an address, city or zip code
    • Enter the three-letter prefix on your BCBS medical ID card
      • Example: MOE123456789 –> Enter M O E
  4. You will be able to search for doctors, specialty, facilities by name or type
  5. A list of doctors/facilities will be created based on the above criteria

REMINDER: Be sure to call your provider/facility to receive verbal confirmation that they are in the BCBS network, or call BCBS directly at 800-810-2583 (as shown on the back of your BCBS medical ID card).