Today, David Fagan submitted his resignation from the Ports of Indiana Commission to Governor Mike Pence. Citing Pence’s support for the repeal of Indiana’s Common Construction Wage, Fagan stated, “I no longer believe I can be associated with your administration.”
Fagan, who was appointed to the Ports of Indiana Commission twice by Governor Daniels in 2007 and 2011, will step down on April 30th. In his letter, Fagan shared his disappointment with the effort to “slash wages for Indiana workers, cripple Indiana contractors, starve small businesses and reduce our state’s tax revenue.”
HB1019, which would repeal the common construction wage statute, was passed by the House in February and is scheduled for a second Senate Committee hearing next week, when an amendment to the bill will be considered.
The amendment addresses procurement issues, but would harm construction workers. Further, the language suggests that legislators realize that the law will attract out-of-state contractors and even guest workers to perform work that Hoosiers do today.
“Indiana is ranked 38th in per capita income, and the Governor’s solution is to cut wages on good middle class jobs,” said Fagan. “What sense does that make?”
Below is the text of the letter, submitted today to Governor Pence and the Ports of Indiana Commissioners:
Governor Pence,
As you may be aware, I currently serve in the capacity of Commissioner for the Ports of Indiana. Governor Daniels appointed me to this position in 2007 and reappointed me in 2011. It has been a pleasure working with the staff and fellow Commissioners in the pursuit of economic growth and the creation good paying jobs at Indiana’s three Ports.
In light of your public support for the repeal of Indiana’s Common Construction Wage, I can no longer in good conscience be associated with your administration, and I hereby resign this position effective April 30, 2015.
You have done nothing to address the long-term needs for infrastructure investment and modernization, which fuels our economy and supports our business community. Instead, you have put your energy toward an initiative that will do far more harm than good in the lives of working Hoosiers, Indiana contractors and small businesses. The repeal of Indiana’s Common Construction Wage undermines the free market wages negotiated in the private sector and supporters of the repeal have publicly stated their support for utilizing foreign guest workers in our construction industry. I cannot understand why Indiana’s Republicans have sided with out-of-state and foreign workers. That this is even being considered is a tragedy for our party and our state.
By repealing Common Construction Wage, you will slash wages for Indiana workers, cripple Indiana contractors, starve small businesses and reduce our state’s tax revenue. In addition, you will undermine private sector training for Indiana’s youth, which directly contrasts your statements in support of additional worker training.
I cannot stand idly by while elected leaders knowingly harm our state.
David A. Fagan