IUOE Local 150
IUOE Local 150
MOE Benefit Funds
MOE Benefit Funds
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Employer’s Hub
Employer’s Hub

At its meeting on March 22nd, Local 150’s Executive Board voted to adopt an Anti-Harassment Non-Discrimination Policy, which defines and prohibits any harassment or discrimination at union meetings and provides recourse for any member who feels that they have been the subject of inappropriate behavior.

“This union is like a family, and while we all have our differences, each and every member is at home in our union halls,” said Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney. “Inappropriate conduct directed at a member of Local 150 will not be tolerated, and the Officers and Executive Board are committed to making sure that every Brother and Sister within this union is treated with dignity and respect.”

Click here to view the policy.