After distributing more than 5,000 applications in the month of November, Local 150’s apprenticeship program has closed its 2017 application distribution window. Individuals who came to pick applications must now return them along with supporting documents by December 31, 2017. This was Local 150’s first year of holding a one-month application period, and apprenticeship staff distributed applications at the Training Center and at events in each of the District Halls.
The huge turnout resulted in large part from increased outreach across print, television and digital media, and the number of veteran, female and minority applications is estimated to have increased substantially this year.
“Our apprenticeship program is a pathway to the middle class,” said James M. Sweeney, President-Business Manager of Local 150. “Learning a highly-skilled trade from the best instructors in the industry prepares these men and women for a career, not just a job. The qualifications that we have seen so far from our applicants is impressive, so the upcoming classes are sure to be made up of highly impressive apprentices.”