The efforts of the Fight Back Fund have paid off enormously in Indiana where Governor Eric Holcomb recently announced a five-year, $4.7 billion road maintenance and construction plan.
In support of a new infrastructure plan, the Fight Back Fund’s ran a successful, targeted ad campaign in Indiana and advocated bipartisan support for the Republican-backed infrastructure funding plan (HB 1002) passed in April 2017. This plan relies on user fees, including a 10-cent-per-gallon gas tax increase and additional motor vehicle fees. The plan expects to bring in an additional $1.2 billion annually by 2025.
Under the new five-year road plan, Indiana Department of Transportation plans include the completion of the final leg of I-69 and necessary maintenance on I-465, I-70 and I-65. The plan also includes the resurfacing of nearly 10,000 miles of roadways and the repair or replacement of around 1,300 bridges throughout the state.
The Fight Back Fund worked tirelessly to pass the long-term, sustainably funded infrastructure plan that paved the way for the $4.7 billion road maintenance and construction plan knowing the amount of Local 150 members and middle class workers who would be positively affected by its passage.
According to the Indiana State Building and Construction Trades Council, the estimated work funded by the five-year plan will sustain about 10,000 new and temporary construction jobs each year. Indiana lawmakers hope to add tollway revenue to future road funding plans.