IUOE Local 150
IUOE Local 150
MOE Benefit Funds
MOE Benefit Funds
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Employer’s Hub
Employer’s Hub

Members in Indiana: If you’ve been thinking of taking a motorcycle rider class, now is the time! If you sign up for a rider education course through ABATE of Indiana’s website, you are eligible for a full refund of the registration fee.

We have partnered with ABATE , allowing them to use the parking lot in District 7, and in return they’ve extended this benefit to our members.

To take advantage, follow this simple process:

*This is only available for residents of Indiana. 

If you have any questions, call Melissa Crubaugh at the District 7 office at (219) 736-7710.