IUOE Local 150
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We are keeping members updated and informed regarding the 2024 District 1-2-3  and 5 Heavy-Highway/Underground and Building Agreements. A tentative agreement has been reached. The Ratification Meeting is scheduled for June 9th at 9 a.m. at the A.S.I.P Training Center.

Sunday, June 9, 2024 

Brothers and Sisters,

IUOE Local 150 Members voted unanimously in favor of the agreements for Districts 1-2-3 and 5 Heavy-Highway-Underground and Building at the Ratification Meeting held on Sunday, June 9th at the A.S.I.P. Training Center in Wilmington, IL.

The Districts 1-2-3 and 5 Heavy-Highway-Underground and Building Agreements with MARBA, Excavators, Inc., the Contractors Association of Will and Grundy Counties, Illinois Valley Contractors Association, and CAICA are three-year contracts that started June 1, 2024 and go through May 31, 2027.

IUOE Local 150 is proud to bring back another solid agreement for our members. Thank you to all those who were in attendance. Please reach out to your Business Agents with any questions. Let’s keep working.

In Solidarity,

James M. Sweeney

Thursday, June 6, 2024 

Email Update

Brothers and Sisters,

Local 150 has reached tentative agreements with Illinois Valley Contractors Association and CAICA for the Heavy Highway/Underground and Building Agreements. This is in addition to the tentative agreements shared, on Friday, May 31, with MARBA, Excavators, Inc., and the Contractors Association of Will and Grundy Counties.

A ratification meeting is scheduled for June 9th at 9 a.m. for the 2024 District 1-2-3  and 5 Heavy-Highway/Underground and Building Agreements and will be held at the A.S.I.P. Training Center in Wilmington, IL. Members working under these agreements should be in attendance to hear details and vote.

Details for the Ratification Meeting:

Date: Sunday, June 9, 2024

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Location: A.S.I.P. Training Center, Wilmington, IL

Details: The gates to the site will open for parking at 7:30 a.m. that morning. We will have the bay doors open in the paving arena for members to gather prior to the meeting. At 8:15 a.m., we will open the doors to the dirt arena from the paving bay. Members must have a current card to enter. Permit holders that have a working permit will be allowed to come in and vote as long as it is current. The rest of the training site will be closed that day, other than the two indoor arenas.

In Solidarity,

James M. Sweeney


Social Update (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter):

Local 150 has reached tentative agreements with Illinois Valley Contractors Association and CAICA for the Heavy Highway/Underground and Building Agreements. This is in addition to the tentative agreements shared, on Friday, May 31, with MARBA, Excavators, Inc., and the Contractors Association of Will and Grundy Counties.

A ratification meeting is scheduled for June 9th at 9 a.m. for the 2024 District 1-2-3 and 5 Heavy-Highway/Underground and Building Agreements and will be held at the A.S.I.P. Training Center, in Wilin. Members working under these agreements should be in attendance to hear details and vote.

The gates to the site will open for parking at 7:30 a.m. that morning. We will have the bay doors open in the paving arena for members to gather in prior to the meeting. At 8:15 a.m., we will open the doors to the dirt arena from the paving bay. Members must have current card to enter. Permit holders that have a working permit will be allowed to come in and vote as long as it is current. The rest of the training site will be closed that day, other than the two indoor arenas.


Friday, May 31, 2024 


Brothers and Sisters,

Tonight, Local 150 reached tentative agreements on the District 1-2-3 Heavy-Highway/Underground and Building Agreements with MARBA, Excavators, Inc., and the Contractors Association of Will and Grundy Counties, averting a strike that threatened to shut down work on Monday. We will be scheduling negotiations with Illinois Valley Contractors Association and CAICA.

A ratification meeting is scheduled for June 9th at 9 a.m. and will be held at the A.S.I.P. Training Center. Members working under these agreements should be in attendance.

In Solidarity,

James M. Sweeney


Press Release

May 31, 2024

Contact: Kristine Kavanagh
(773) 620-9037
[email protected]


IUOE Local 150 Reaches Tentative Agreement with Three Associations in Heavy Highway/Underground and Building for Districts 1-2-3

COUNTRYSIDE, IL (May 31, 2024) – Tonight, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, AFL-CIO, a labor union representing over 23,000 working men and women in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa whose members operate and maintain heavy equipment in a variety of industries, announced the Union reached tentative agreements on the District 1-2-3 Heavy-Highway/Underground and Building Agreements, averting a strike that threatened to shut down work on Monday.

IUOE Local 150 had large contracts that expired at midnight tonight. The Union and three Associations for Heavy Highway/Underground and Building were in negotiations today. Work to reach an agreement that treats workers with respect in one of the most robust construction markets seen in our lifetime was ongoing throughout the day and into the night.

“This is a historic agreement that is going to allow billions of dollars of construction work to continue uninterrupted,” shared IUOE Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney.

A ratification meeting is scheduled for June 9th at 9 a.m. and will be held at the IUOE Local 150 A.S.I.P. Training Center. Members working under these agreements are asked to be in attendance.

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ABOUT THE IUOE LOCAL 150: The International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 is a labor union representing over 23,000 working men and women in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. Local 150 members operate and maintain heavy equipment in a variety of industries, which include heavy highway and building construction, heavy equipment rental and repair shops, construction material production, concrete pumping, hoisting, steel mill service, slag processing, pits and quarries, landfills, testing and drilling, pipeline, landscaping, public works, and more. In addition to securing work for its union members, Local 150 fights on behalf of all working men and women to ensure fair wages and equal pay.  Most recently, Local 150 championed The Worker’s Rights Amendment in 2022, ensuring constitutional protection for all Illinois workers to join a union.