IUOE Local 150
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District Halls Closing

Apr 03, 2020 -
Effective at 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2020, in an effort to protect the health and safety of our staff and members, our District Halls will be closed to members and visitors. Our dispatchers and various staff will continue...

Chicago Crane License Renewal Instructions

Apr 03, 2020 -
For all members who hold a Chicago Crane License: City licenses will continue to be renewed There are no extensions Give yourself additional time to renew, just to be safe New licenses and upgrades are currently on hold and...

Federal Court Sides with Scabby and Local 150 in Donegal Bannering Case

Apr 02, 2020 -
This afternoon, Federal Judge Gary Feinerman issued an opinion siding with Local 150 in our case against the National Labor Relations Board over our use of inflatable rats and banners in activities related to Donegal Services. NLRB Regional Director Peter...

Training Center to Remain Closed Until April 30

Apr 01, 2020 -
Pursuant to Governor Pritzker's Executive Order on April 1, 2020, the closure of the William E. Dugan Training Center has been extended through April 30, 2020. During the closure, the facility and equipment will undergo a deep cleaning. We will...

OECP License Extension Information

Mar 30, 2020 -
On March 30, we received the following update from the OECP: In compliance with the president's directives, and those of the governors of the states, in regard to the current Covid-19 Pandemic, OECP understands and seeks to assist all operators...

IDOT Notice: Construction to Continue

Mar 21, 2020 -
On Saturday, March 21, IDOT issued the following notice: The Illinois Department of Transportation is taking several steps to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, while keeping our commitment to protect the health and safety of the public and our...

UPDATE: Proof of Essential Employment Available for Members in Illinois and Indiana

Mar 21, 2020 -
Illinois Gov. Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-10 and Indiana Gov. Holcomb's Executive Order 2020-08 declared operating engineers "essential workers" performing "critical trades" work, which allows us to continue to work during the Stay Home Order. Several members have requested additional information...

Illinois Members May Continue to Work During “Stay at Home” Order

Mar 20, 2020 -
(3/23) Update: Indiana has issued a Stay Home Order that also defines union staff and construction workers as "essential workers," allowed to continue working during the extent of the order. (3/20) Original post: This afternoon, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker issued a "Stay...

Important Update on Operators’ Health Center Operations

Mar 20, 2020 -
The Operators' Health Centers Adjusts Operations to Combat the Spread of COVID-19 Together, we are facing an unprecedented situation. The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting all our families, our organizations, our communities and our way of life. We...

Updated Unemployment Information in Response to COVID-19

Mar 19, 2020 -
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Illinois and Indiana have eliminated the one-week waiting period that was previously required before workers could apply for unemployment benefits. Additional provisions have been changed in an effort to make it easier for...
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