Indiana Primary Election Candidate Endorsements Announced
Apr 26, 2022 -
Local 150 has announced its endorsed candidates for Indiana's May 3 Primary Election. Please review the candidates below. Make a plan to get out and vote on election day and make sure your family does as well! Donegal and Local 150 Reach Agreement on Outstanding Labor Disputes and Litigation
Feb 16, 2022 -
The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 and Donegal Excavating have reached an agreement that settles all outstanding litigation and labor disputes. Donegal, US Equipment and the... General Membership Meeting on January 28, 2022
Jan 11, 2022 -
The General Membership Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, January 28, 2022 at the District 1 Hall in Countryside. At the meeting, we will honor new Lifetime Membership recipients and President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney will... Pay Dues Online
Nov 04, 2021 -
Save yourself a trip to the union hall and pay your dues online at or by downloading the My150 App. When you pay your dues online, your dues button and membership card are processed... LOCAL 150 SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Oct 01, 2021 -
Since starting the scholarship in 2013, the IUOE Local 150 Scholarship Fund, Inc. has granted over $200,000 in scholarships to its members' dependents, supporting those who aspire to further their education. Each year, the scholarship committee... HISTORY OF THE STEAM SHOVEL
Oct 01, 2021 -
Steam shovels are the earliest type of power shovel and were designed for lifting and moving large amounts of rock and soil. Steam shovels played a major role building roads and railroads in America during the... UPDATED COVID-19 POLICY FOR THE WILLIAM E. DUGAN TRAINING CENTER
Sep 28, 2021 -
In order to comply with Governor Pritzker’s recent Executive Order, the Trustees of the Local 150 Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program have updated the COVID-19 Policy for staff and members visiting the William E. Dugan Training Center. The Vaccination Policy... HISTORIC BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE DEAL EXPECTED TO PASS SENATE THIS WEEK
Aug 04, 2021 -
The U.S. Senate is expected to pass a large, comprehensive infrastructure funding bill later this week after months of negotiations. Currently, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal has secured 67 votes, including 17 Senate Republicans and all 50 Senate Democrats. The... SCABBY WINS AGAIN! NLRB DISMISSES LAWSUIT THREATENING USE OF INFLATABLE RATS
Jul 22, 2021 -
Wednesday afternoon, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) released a 3-1 decision dismissing the Lippert Components lawsuit that sought to limit unions’ use of “Scabby the Rat” and other inflatables in labor disputes. The case initiated over the International Union of Operating... JIM SWEENEY ANNOUNCES PENSION IMPROVEMENTS AT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING
Jul 16, 2021 -
At the General Membership Meeting on July 16th, President-Business Manager Sweeney provided updates on union business and the status of the benefit funds, and also announced benefit improvements that are being implemented by the Pension Fund. In September 2019, members...