IMPORTANT: COVID Coverage Information for Members
Mar 13, 2020 -
COVID-19 Coverage Information for Members The Midwest Operating Engineers Welfare Fund is closely monitoring the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We are committed to helping our members stay informed and educated about COVID-19 and assisting those who might be affected. All... 
Check Out Endorsed Candidates for Illinois’ March 17 Primary Election
Mar 12, 2020 -
Local 150 is pleased to announce our endorsed candidates in the upcoming March 17 Primary Election in Illinois. Below, please click on your District to access a list of endorsed candidates near you. District... 
The Truth About the Butch Lewis Act
Feb 20, 2020 -
Over the past couple of months, you should have received information about yet another attack on our pension fund. These postcards, phone calls, and emails from the union urged members to contact their senators to voice their disapproval of... 
House of Representatives to Pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act
Feb 05, 2020 -
In the coming weeks, the United States House of Representative is expected to pass the most labor-friendly legislation to have come through in many years – the PRO Act. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) indicated that the Protecting... 

Labor History: Nazis Destroy Labor Unions in 1933
Oct 31, 2019 -
From The People's World: Today in labor history: Nazis destroy unions May 2, 2014 2:47 PM CDT BY SPECIAL TO PEOPLE’S WORLD On May 2, 1933, Adolf Hitler’s storm troopers occupied all trade union headquarters across Germany,... 
Sweeney: Dangerous Bridges No Laughing Matter
Oct 28, 2019 -
In response to a column in the Joliet Herald-News that likened the dangerous I-80 Bridge over the Des Plaines River in Joliet to a thrill ride that should charge admission, Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney wrote... 
NLRB Sides with Local 150, Protecting Scabby the Rat Again!
Oct 22, 2019 -
On October 16, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Administrative Law Judge Kimberly Sorg-Graves sided with Local 150 in a case involving Maglish Plumbing, Heating and Electric that attracted national attention and carried heavy implications for the future use of... 
Check out the “Highway to Health” Expo on October 27!
Oct 10, 2019 -
Dear Members and Retirees of Local 150 ~ We are thrilled to host the inaugural Highway to Health Expo on Sunday, October 27, 2019! The Welfare Fund Board of Trustees, Fund Office Staff, Local 150 Staff, Operators’ Health Center (OHC)... 
Local 150 Announces 2019 Apprenticeship Application Dates
Sep 24, 2019 -
The Apprenticeship Office for Local 150 Operating Engineers will be distributing applications for the trades of Heavy Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Repair Technician, Geothermal Well Driller, and Construction Material Inspector from November 1-November 27, 2019. An application can be requested...