IUOE Local 150
IUOE Local 150
MOE Benefit Funds
MOE Benefit Funds
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Employer’s Hub
Employer’s Hub

Ordinance Change
Change of orrdinance effective date.

Fee Schedule
Summary of fees for 304 Written Exam and 317 Practical Exam. Please see Continental Testing Services’ website at the links bellow for more information.

Effective August 1, 2014, all applications for exams and licenses are now submitted through www.continentaltesting.net. Continental Testing Services can be also reached at (800) 359-1313 or [email protected].

Chicago 304- Crane Operator Written Exam/Renewal Class I & II
Exam information, study guide, fee schedule, and online application.

Chicago 309- Apprentice Crane Operator
Fee schedule and online application.

Chicago 317- Crane Operator Practical Exam Class I & II
Exam information, study guide, fee schedule, and online application.

City of Chicago Crane Operators License Converstion Chart
If you already hold a current City of Chicago Crane Operators License, this is the CONVERSION CHART from the Old License Type to the New License Type

Classifications of Equipment Requiring a Chicago Crane License
All cranes and hoisting equipment with a rated capacity of 2,000 pounds or more require a licensed operator for use in the City of Chicago. The linked classifications apply.

Offline Application Forms

If you are unable to use the above online application, you may print and mail the following forms.

Application for Crane Operator’s License Written Exam (Profession 304)
The application for the Hoisting Machine Operators License Written Exam

Application for Apprentice Crane Operator Certificate (Profession 309)
For Apprentice Crane Operator Certificate

Renewal Form
Please submit this form 90 days before your license will expire.

Replacement Form