IUOE Local 150
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Local 150 Reaches Four-Year Project Labor Agreement with Buona Beef

Apr 20, 2018 -
On Thursday, April 19, Local 150 signed a four-year project labor agreement (PLA) with Buona Beef. Also a party to the agreement was the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 134. The PLA ensures the use of union workers and...

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb Appoints Local 150 Assistant Apprenticeship Coordinator Mark Kara to Workforce Cabinet

Apr 18, 2018 -
Today, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb appointed Mark Kara of Hobart to the Governor’s Workforce Cabinet. Holcomb established the 21-member panel to provide recommendations to better prepare Indiana workers for productive careers. Kara, 50, is the assistant...

South Bend Passes Responsible Bidder Ordinance

Apr 13, 2018 -
On April 11, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg signed a responsible bidder ordinance (RBO) which was passed by the Common Council on April 9th. It sets conditions for contractors to be classified as "responsible" and eligible for work...

Frankfort Public Works Employees to Join Local 150

Apr 09, 2018 -
The employees of the Frankfort Public Works Department have chosen to join the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, the union announced today. Local 150 has filed a petition with the Illinois State Labor Relations Board...

Local 150 and Union Contractors Donate $10,000 to Support First Responders in Indiana

Apr 06, 2018 -
Today, International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 150 Financial Secretary David Fagan announced that the Northern Indiana Operators Labor Management PAC, upon which he serves as a trustee, will make a donation of $10,000 to the Multi-Agency Academic...

Report: Lack of capital funding has set Illinois infrastructure up for failure

Apr 06, 2018 -
This week, the Illinois Economic Policy Institute (ILEPI) released a study entitled Forecasting Bumpy Roads Ahead: An Assessment of Illinois' Transportation Needs. The study examines the impact that a lack of capital funding has had on Illinois' transportation infrastructure. Some of...

Local 150 Executive Board Adopts Anti-Harassment Non-Discrimination Policy

Apr 02, 2018 -
At its meeting on March 22nd, Local 150's Executive Board voted to adopt an Anti-Harassment Non-Discrimination Policy, which defines and prohibits any harassment or discrimination at union meetings and provides recourse for any member who feels that they have...

Federal Appeals Court Hears Local 150 Lawsuit Against Local “Right to Work” Law

Mar 30, 2018 -
After a federal judge ruled in favor of Local 150 and three other unions in a lawsuit against Lincolnshire's local "right-to-work" ordinance, all sides were back in court on March 27th to deliver oral arguments on an appeal brought...

President-Business Manager Sweeney Signs Project Labor Agreement Covering Nearly $2 Billion in Nicor Work

Mar 23, 2018 -
On Thursday, Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney signed a three-year project labor agreement with Nicor. This agreement will ensure that all work on Nicor's distribution gas main replacement project in Northeastern Illinois will utilize Local 150 members...

Local 150 Urges Unions to “Fight Back” at Janus Forum

Mar 12, 2018 -
Illinois labor leaders and community allies gathered from all over the state on Friday as the University of Illinois School of Labor and Employment Relations held a special forum entitled, Janus and the Future of Labor in Illinois. For...
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