Local 150 Fights Right-to-Work on Two Fronts
Nov 18, 2014 -
Yesterday, attorneys representing the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 appeared in the Seventh Circuit Federal Court of Appeals to present oral arguments on an appeal of the union’s federal lawsuit, which was dismissed earlier this year. This... Three Members Recognized as Heroes After Dune Rescue
Nov 18, 2014 -
Three Local 150 members were recognized on July 26th for their efforts to rescue a six-year-old boy who was trapped in a collapsed sand dune in Indiana. Josh Zimmer, Ryan Miller and David Keen received the first... LOCAL 150 SUES INDIANA GOVERNOR DANIELS OVER RIGHT TO WORK LAW
Feb 22, 2012 -
On February 22, Local 150 filed a lawsuit against Indiana's governor, attorney general, and labor commissioner over the recently-passed "right to work" law. From the Associated Press: INDIANAPOLIS — Union members went to federal court Wednesday to ask a judge to... SWEENEY DENOUNCED GOVERNOR DANIELS FLIP FLOP ON RIGHT TO WORK
Jan 24, 2012 -
Amidst a heated battle against so-called "right to work" legislation in Indiana, Local 150 President-Business Manager James Sweeney once again expressed his disappointment in Governor Daniels for changing the position Daniels took on "right to work" when he sought Local... CONTRACTORS LINE UP IN OPPOSITION TO RIGHT TO WORK
Jan 18, 2012 -
The so-called "right to work" bill currently being discussed in Indianapolis would have serious negative consequences on the wages and benefits of workers, but signatory contractors have stepped up with a concern of their own - this law would affect the types of contracts that they would be able... LUNCHPAIL REPUBLICAN PAC
Jan 09, 2012 -
Late last week, Local 150 Financial Secretary David Fagan announced the establishment of the Lunchpail Republicans PAC in Indiana, which will raise money to fight legislation like "right to work" and support candidates who run against legislators who support... Sweeney to Represent Local 150 on Illinois Tollway Board
Nov 24, 2011 -
Yesterday, Governor Pat Quinn appointed President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney to the Illinois Toll Highway Authority Board of Directors. Board members are responsible for planning, constructing, maintaining, and operating the state’s toll highway system, offering guidance at monthly board meetings. “Local... Illinois Court Strikes Down Capital Bill Funding; Quinn Promises Immediate Appeal
Jan 25, 2011 -
Today, an Illinois Appellate Court declared the laws providing approximately half of the funding for the $31 billion capital bill unconstitutional. This threatens the future of thousands of projects and tens of thousands of jobs. The law was deemed unconstitutional... Illinois Legislature Approves $5.3 Billion for 2011 Capital Projects
Jan 19, 2011 -
The Illinois Senate and House of Representatives have both given approval to sell bonds to pay for this year’s capital project program. This will include $4.2 billion in general bonds and $1.1 billion in Build America bonds. Local 150 actively... Local 150 Executive Board Passes Resolution to Support Striking Members, Families
Jul 05, 2010 -
At a teleconference meeting tonight, the Local 150 Executive Board approved a resolution pledging the Union's full support to members on strike. After talks surfaced that the contractor associations involved in the negotiation of the heavy highway, building and...