Local 150 Member Featured in CBS Story on IDOT Shutdown
Jul 06, 2017 -
As the clock wound down to a shutdown of Illinois Department of Transportation projects, Local 150 member Marcelo Calzedo was featured by CBS on his job near Rosemont. Calzedo spoke of the financial uncertainty that a shutdown would bring for... Sweeney: IDOT Shutdown Preventable
Jul 01, 2017 -
From the Springfield Journal-Register: In the fiscal year that begins today, Illinois has plans to spend $2.2 billion in road and bridge improvements. These vital construction projects will not only improve traveler safety and congestion problems... Tribune: Chicago Home to $20B in Mega-Projects
Jun 23, 2017 -
A recent article in the Chicago Tribune went through a list of more than 10 massive developments currently underway or in advanced planning stages in the City of Chicago that are valued at more than $1 billion. Projects valued at $1... James Sweeney Responds to IDOT Shutdown Threat
Jun 20, 2017 -
In the wake of Illinois' worsening budget crisis, the Illinois Department of Transportation recently advised contractors and engineers to be prepared to shut down all work on June 30th without additional spending authorization. Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney... Scabby on the Scene for Protest in Algonquin Township
Jun 15, 2017 -
Despite the constant rain on Wednesday night, four inflatable rats and more than 100 members were on hand for a rally outside the Algonquin Township Highway Department in Crystal Lake. The protest was in response to incoming Highway Commissioner... Illinois Tollway Advances Study on Route 53/120 Expansion
May 25, 2017 -
This morning, the Illinois Tollway's Board of Directors voted by an 8-0 margin to award a $25 million contract to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed Route 53/120 expansion project. An EIS is the next step forward... Statement in Support of Route 53/120 Extension
May 14, 2017 -
This morning, Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney made the following statement in support of the Route 53/120 Environmental Impact Study: "This project is sorely needed to alleviate the devastating congestion in Lake and McHenry Counties. The region's... Local 150 Endorses J.B. Pritzker in Illinois’ Democratic Gubernatorial Primary
May 03, 2017 -
At an event this afternoon, Local 150 announced its endorsement of gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker in Illinois' Democratic Primary Election. "After discussions with all the candidates in the Democratic race, we believe that J.B. Pritzker will be a tireless advocate... Illinois Tollway Approves $4 Billion Reconstruction of I-294
Apr 27, 2017 -
This morning, the Illinois Tollway Board voted to approve the complete reconstruction of 22 miles of I-294 with a decisive 8-0 vote. After 60 years, the highway has lived its life and done its job for Illinois residents, and... Why 420? A closer look at IUOE’s Steam Gauge
Apr 20, 2017 -
We are commonly asked why the needle on the International Union’s steam gauge points to 420 psi, so we wanted to dive a little deeper on it today, on 4/20. This is by no means official. The IUOE steam gauge...