Local 150 Fight Back Fund Hits Airwaves in Support of Indiana Road Funding
Mar 14, 2017 -
As Indiana Senators prepare to debate a sustainable, long-term infrastructure funding plan that would create $1.2 billion in annual revenue, Local 150 has launched a new commercial as part of a campaign to support new funding. Indiana's House... 
Local 150 Coat Drive Collects Nearly 1,000 Coats and Winter Clothes
Jan 19, 2017 -
The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 is making sure local families do not go cold in this harsh Midwest winter. The union held a coat drive during the month of December and collected nearly 1,000 coats, hats... 
Local 150 Lawsuit Strikes Down Local “Right to Work” Law
Jan 14, 2017 -
In a decision issued on January 7th, United States District Judge Matthew Kennelly found that the local "right to work" law passed by the Village of Lincolnshire, Illinois in 2015 is pre-empted by federal law, and that only... 
James Sweeney Receives George Meany Award from Boy Scouts of America
Dec 06, 2016 -
On December 5th, Local 150 President-Business Manager James M. Sweeney was awarded the George Meany Award by the Boy Scouts of America Pathway to Adventure Council. The celebration dinner raised more than $50,000 for Scouting programs that attract local youth... 
Local 150 Charity Event Raises $300,000 for Military Families
Aug 09, 2016 -
On August 8, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 president-business manager James M. Sweeney presented a check for $300,000 to the Navy SEAL-Naval Special Warfare Family Foundation at Local 150’s charity... 
David Fagan resigns from Ports of Indiana Commission, Citing Disagreement with Governor Pence over Common Wage Repeal
Apr 03, 2015 -
Today, David Fagan submitted his resignation from the Ports of Indiana Commission to Governor Mike Pence. Citing Pence’s support for the repeal of Indiana’s Common Construction Wage, Fagan stated, “I no longer believe I can be associated with... 
Illinois Attorney General: “Right to Work” Zones are Illegal
Mar 20, 2015 -
Throughout his campaign and early tenure in office, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has promised to allow counties and municipalities the option to be "right to work" zones. That plan, however, is illegal, according to an opinion released Friday by Illinois... 
How the super rich are attempting an Illinois takeover
Mar 20, 2015 -
This article was originally posted on HuffingtonPost.com You have to go all the way back to ancient Athens to find an explanation for what's happening in our country today. It was the political philosopher Aristotle who first used the term... 
Indiana’s repeal of Common Construction Wage clears House
Feb 23, 2015 -
On Monday, the Indiana House of Representatives voted 51-45 to repeal the state's Common Construction Wage law. No Democrats voted in favor of the repeal and ten Republicans opposed the measure as well. Common Construction Wage, known in other states... 
Indiana’s Right-to-Work Upheld in Supreme Court
Nov 18, 2014 -
Today, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled against Local 150 in its challenge of Indiana's "right to work" law. The ruling centered around the Court's assertion that unions can choose not to represent non-members, which is false. President James M. Sweeney...