For the second time, Illinois workers were only one vote shy of overturning Governor Rauner’s veto of Senate Bill 1905, which banned the passage of “right to work” zones in municipalities. Federal law currently prohibits the passage of these laws by any government entity other than states or territories.
Seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats to overturn the veto in that chamber, and in the first House overturn vote, four Republicans joined in: David Harris, Terri Bryant, John Cabello, and Dave Severin. Democrat Sam Yingling was absent, and the measure came up one vote shy.
In a second vote a week later, Democrat Yingling was present, but Scott Drury failed to show up for work. Still, with the same four Republican votes, passage would be secure. Under intense pressure, downstate Republican Dave Severin buckled and switched his vote against workers and in support of Governor Rauner.
Republican House Leader Jim Durkin has staked his leadership on blocking this veto override, but by barring this legislation, he is enabling Governor Rauner to advance a federal appeal seeking to allow municipalities to enact local “right to work” laws. With federal judges now being appointed by Donald Trump, we cannot expect that reason and common sense will carry the day, so this is a betrayal of the highest order.
With election season approaching, members will be notified of necessary actions and important endorsements as they happen.