Affordable health care coverage today is a major concern for all of us, especially as you near retirement age or already retired. As a retired member of the Midwest Operating Engineers Health and Welfare Fund, you and your family receive substantial health care coverage.
You are able to enjoy such a high level of benefits because of the cooperative efforts of the Trustees of the Midwest Operating Engineers Health and Welfare Fund. The Trustees include members of both the union and employer groups who work toward providing you with the highest quality of medical and pharmacy coverage.
If you and your dependents are eligible for coverage under the Midwest Operating Engineers Retiree Welfare Plan (RWP), you are covered under one health plan option. If you or your eligible dependents are eligible for Medicare, Medicare will pay as your primary coverage and the RWP will pay as your secondary coverage.
It is imperative that as an active member thinking about retiring, that you are mindful of the RWP eligibility rules. Please refer to the rules as outlined in the RWP Summary Plan Description (linked above). If you have specific questions regarding the eligibility rules, please contact the Benefits & Eligibility Services Group at (708) 937-0327.
Be sure that you are utilizing the Welfare Funds preferred partners to receive additional discounts on services and ALWAYS be sure that you are utilizing an in-network provider. By following these simple rules, you will save additional money on medical/dental services.
To be eligible for the Retiree Welfare Plan (RWP), you must:
- You have reached age 55 and are retiring from active covered employment; AND
- At the time you retire, you have ten (10) years of eligibility under the Midwest Operating Engineers Health and Welfare Plan; AND
- You have ten (10) Vesting Service Years under the Midwest Operating Engineers Pension Plan; AND
- You are receiving normal, early, or disability retirement benefits under the Midwest Operating Engineers Pension Fund; AND
- Effective January 1, 2019, you must be a member in good standing and remain in good standing; AND.
- Effective April 1, 2019, you must have:
- Maintained continuous eligibility since at least April 1, 2016 or for 120 consecutive months (10 years) prior to your retirement date, whichever is less, under the Active Plan; AND
- Work at least 800 hours—during which contributions were required to be made—each year for the five (5) Active Plan Years immediately preceding the Active Plan Year containing your effective date of retirement (with 40 hours allocated each week during periods of continuous disability, for periods that you are providing care for an immediate family member’s (parent, spouse, or child) serious health condition, or for periods of active military service. Please note: If you are caring for an immediate family member, you must be primarily responsible for this family member and their well-being).
- NOTE: If you are disabled, you will be allocated 40 hours each week to help you meet the 800-hour requirement. If you are caring and primarily responsible for a seriously ill parent, child, or spouse, you will be allocated 40 hours each week to help you meet the 800-hour requirement. If you are called to active military duty, you will also be allocated 40 hours each week to help you meet the 800-hour requirement. You must meet the 800-hour requirement to be considered eligible for Retiree Plan benefits. The hours are help you meet eligibility requirements and do not count towards any other benefits.
- If you are unable to meet the 800-hour rule, as noted above, but you have accumulated a total of 5,000 hours for the five (5) Active Plan Years immediately preceding the Active Plan Year containing your effective date of retirement, you will satisfy the 800-hour rule requirement.
There are special rules if you are a Municipality Employee, a Railroad Employee, or awaiting a Workmen’s Compensation settlement. If you fall into these categories, call the Retirement Services Group at (708) 937-0327.
Yes. A monthly premium is required for coverage and failure to make this payment can result in permanent loss of coverage. Premiums for the Retiree Welfare Plan are subject to change each July 1. You will receive information from the Fund Office prior to the monthly premium rate change.
The current monthly premium rates chart is linked at the top of this page.
- All plan covered services are free if you utilize a Local 150 Primary Medical Home which includes the Operators’ Health Centers, Everside Health Centers, and Midwest Coalition of Labor (MCL) Health Centers:
- DOT Physicals are available; you must call to make an appointment. These appointments are longer in duration; therefore, walk-in appointments may not be accommodated. If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, please call and re-schedule or cancel.
- Physical Therapy is available at both Operators’ Health Center locations.
- Behavioral Health services are available in-person or via telehealth at the OHC in Countryside, IL.
- Most plan covered services are free at the MinuteClinics
- Free physical therapy is available at ATI Physical Therapy facilities, if determined as medically necessary. Please note that if you are covered under Medicare, you will need a referral from your primary care provider.
- ERS (Member Assistance Program) provides up to five FREE counseling sessions per episode.
- For pre-Medicare retirees:
- Gateway Foundation and Recovery Centers of America (RCA) provides residential substance abuse treatment and all outpatient follow up treatment at absolutely no cost to the patient.
- Absolute Solutions imaging network provides free MRI, CT, and PET scans.
- Family Supplemental Benefit (FSB) is $1,500
- You can receive reimbursement for vision services under your FSB. Be sure to use the EyeMed Advantage Network to extend your FSB dollars. This network provides deeper discounts on vision ware.
- You can also receive reimbursement for hearing aids. Discounts are available if you utilize Amplifon.