IUOE Local 150
IUOE Local 150
MOE Benefit Funds
MOE Benefit Funds
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program
Employer’s Hub
Employer’s Hub

The FAQ’s below are applicable for both Active and Retiree Plans.

For more information specific to the Active Plan, click here.

For more information specific to the Retiree Plan, click here.

How do I change my address?

You can login to your My150 account to easily update your address by clicking on your My Profile.  By updating your address on My150 all Local 150 entities will be notified of your updated address (District Office, Dispatch, and Fund Office). You also have the option to complete a Change of Address Form and submit it the form to the Fund Office.

What should I do if I get married?

Marriage is a Life Changing Event. To add your spouse to your plan, you must notify the Fund Office.

  1.  Log into your My150 account, click MY FAMILY, and then Submit Life Changing Event.
  2. Your submission will create a case
  3. Next, you must upload all the required documents outlined below within 90-days of the event:
    • A copy of their marriage certificate
    • New spouse’s birth certificate/ picture ID
    • New spouses’ social security card
  4. Eligibility for your new spouse will be the first day of the following month that the Fund Office receives your documents
  5. Be sure to update your address, if necessary
  6. It is extremely important to update your beneficiaries for all of your Fringe Benefits through your My150 account

If you have any questions about Life Changing Events, please contact Benefits & Eligibility at (708) 937-0327.

What should I do if I have a baby or adopt a child?

Childbirth and adoption are Life Changing Events. To add your newborn or newly adopted child to your plan, you must notify the Fund Office.

  1. Log into your My150 account, click MY FAMILY, and then Submit Life Changing Event
  2. Your submission will create a case
  3. 90-days from the date of birth/adoption-
    1. You must upload all the required documents
      • Birth Certificate
      • Order of adoption
      • Social security card
  4. 91 – 365 days from the date of birth/adoption:
    1. Your newborn or newly adopted child will lose eligibility under the plan on the 91st day from the date of birth/adoption
    2. If the Fund Office receives your required documents within this timeframe, your newborn or newly adopted child will regain eligibility on the first day of the following month in which
  5. 366+ days from the date of birth/adoption:
    1. The next opportunity to add your newborn or newly adopted child is during Open Enrollment (mid-January to end of February) for an eligibility effective date of April 1st

For additional information about Life Changing Events, please contact Benefits & Eligibility at (708) 937-0327.

What should I do if I get divorced?

It is absolutely critical that:

  1. Submit a photo copy of your entire filed dissolution of marriage (ie. divorce decree) and marital settlement agreement. Documents must be stamped by the court and signed by the judge.
    • You can submit this information via My150 by submitting a Life Changing Event case.  Alternatively, you can also fax this information to Benefits and Eligibility Group at (708) 352-3310 or by mail to 6150 Joliet Rd. Countryside, IL.  60525.
    • It is important to submit this information timely as it will affect payment of your claims.
  2. Update your address, if necessary
  3. Update your beneficiaries for all of your Fringe Benefits
  4. If your marital settlement agreement includes language regarding the segregation of the Pension Fund or the Retirement Enhancement Fund (REF), the Retirement Services Group must have a complete filed copy of the Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO).  To simplify the process and to ensure that the order can be “qualified”, the Retirement Services Group has model Orders for both the Pension Plan and the REF. Visit the forms page to access copies of the model orders.  If you have any questions, please call the Retirement Services Group at (708) 579-6630.

What do I do if my dependent gained other insurance coverage and I would like to remove them from my plan?

Gaining other insurance coverage is a Life Changing Event.  To remove your dependent, you must notify the Fund Office.

  1. Log into your My150 account, click MY FAMILY, and then Submit Life Changing Event
  2. Your submission will create a case
  3. You must upload a certificate of creditable coverage or a letter from their employer
  4. If you submit a letter from their employer, it must contain:
    • The date the coverage went into effect
  5. Your dependent will be removed from the plan on the 1st day of the following month in which documents are received

It is important to submit this information timely because it can affect payment of their claims.

What do I do if my dependent lost other insurance coverage and I would like to add them from my plan?

Losing other insurance coverage is a Life Changing Event.  To add your dependent, you must notify the Fund Office.

  1. Log into your My150 account, click MY FAMILY, and then Submit Life Changing Event
  2. Your submission will create a case
  3. You must upload a certificate of creditable coverage or a letter from their employer
  4. If you submit a letter from their employer, it must contain:
    • The date the coverage terminated
  5. Your dependent will be added to the plan on the 1st day of the following month in which documents are received

It is important to submit this information timely as it will affect your dependent’s eligibility.

How do I find a network doctor or hospital? How do I know if my doctor or hospital is in the network?

For your health plan option’s covered services, you need to be sure that you utilize an in-network provider or hospital so that you can save money on your medical expenses.

  • Medical providers in Illinois, contact BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois at (800) 571-1043 or www.bcbs.com.
  • Medical providers outside of Illinois, contact Blue Card at (800) 810-BLUE or www.bcbs.com.

For all health plan options, except the OHC Plan, the network of providers and hospitals are based on the BlueCross BlueShield of IL network.

For the OHC Plan, you must use providers and hospitals in the HST Care Connect network.  

Once you find a provider or hospital that is considered in-network, you should call and confirm that they are still in the network.  Refrain from asking if they will take your insurance, as they will always accept your insurance but then you may be billed more because they are considered as an out-of-network provider or hospital.  Always ask, “are you in the BCBS of IL network or the HST Care Connect network”, depending on what health plan option you are covered under.

For Dental providers, contact Delta Dental of Illinois at (800) 323-1743 or www.deltadentalil.com.

Visit our Exclusive Partnership page to access all of MOE’s exclusive vendors.  Through these partnerships, you can also save money by using one of these vendors depending on the services you are seeking.

If you have any questions, please contact Member Services at (708) 579-6600.

What do I need to do if I have a mental health issue?

We recommend that you contact the Plan’s Member Assistance Program, Employee Resource Systems, Inc. at (855) 374-1674. They will walk you through the process and refer you to an appropriate provider of service. Everything discussed in this phone conversation is kept highly confidential between you and the master level clinician that you speak with regarding your situation.

What do I need to do if I have a substance abuse issue?

We are proudly partnered with Gateway Foundation and Recovery Centers of America (RCA) to provide residential substance abuse treatment and all outpatient follow up treatment at absolutely no cost to the patient.


  • All claims will be paid at 100% by the Fund
  • NO patient copay or coinsurance
  • NO patient deductible
  • NO balance billing to the patient


  • Sandra Beecher: Direct number is 309-296-3053
  • Ross Bacon: Direct number is 773-490-6488

Click here for more information about Gateway Foundation and Recovery Centers of America (RCA).

What is a deductible?

Each year, before the Plan begins to pay for most covered expenses, you or your family pay the first dollars of eligible expenses. This is the deductible, which is stated per person, with a family maximum. The deductible is payable to the doctor or hospital where the charges were incurred. The Explanation of Benefits (EOB) you receive on the charges you submit will show the amount you owe.

To determine what your Deductible is, please refer to the home page of your My150 account where you are able to view your schedule of benefits.

What is coinsurance?

All health plan options, except the EPO Plan, are based on a coinsurance design. Your share of the costs of a covered health care service, calculated as a percentage (for example, 10%) of the allowed amount for the service, is the coinsurance. You generally pay coinsurance plus any deductibles you owe.

For example, if you are covered under Plan A PPO, you are required to pay a $300 deductible.  Once the deductible is satisfied, your coinsurance is 10% of the allowed amount.  For example, suppose you have met the $300 deductible under Plan A PPO and you had an office visit where the allowed amount for the office visit was $200.00.  The Plan would pay 90% (or $180.00) and you would be required to pay the provider for the remaining 10% (or $20.00).  Each PPO Plan has different deductibles and coinsurance amounts. Please refer to your health plan option’s Schedule of Benefits for specific details.

Where do I mail in my claims?

Please refer to the backside of your most current Medical ID card for information on submitting your claims.

Dental claims should be submitted to Delta Dental:

    P.O. Box 5402

    Lisle, IL     60532


All other claims (FSB reimbursements, RMSP reimbursements, disability claims and death benefit claims) should be submitted to the Fund Office:

     6150 Joliet Rd

     Countryside, IL     60525

What happens when I become eligible for Medicare?

It’s imperative that you send a copy of your Medicare Card to the Fund Office as soon as you receive it.  Next, contact the Member Services Department at (708) 579-6600 to discuss how this change will affect payment of your claims.